Customer Involvement

Get Involved and Have Your Say !

We want to hear from our customers (residents and nursery parents) about how they feel about our services and how we can further improve to provide a service that our customers want.

Customer involvement is about our customers taking part in the decision-making processes and influencing the decisions that Ekaya takes regarding its policies and provision of housing services.

Ekaya is committed to continuous improvement through listening and responding to what customers say, pro-actively seeking 'customer’s views', and responding to them, and improving the opportunities for customers to have a say in how decisions are made.

We offer a range of ways for our residents and service users to get involved in shaping and improving the services that we provide and are always keen to hear what they have to say.

  • Customer Panel
  • Tenant Board Member
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • Resident involvement
  • Focus groups
  • Maintenance satisfaction surveys
  • Annual events
  • Your stories in our newsletter

Want to get involved?

If you are interested in getting involved with any of the above then contact your Housing Officer or the Housing Team or email 

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