Equality & Diversity

Being an organisation formed to support culturally disadvantaged groups primarily to black and ethnic minority women, their families and other groups with similar needs, Ekaya holds equality at the core of its mission and work. Ekaya prides itself on being an organisation which seeks to promote opportunities for women who would otherwise be socially excluded due to their vulnerability.

Ekaya believes that the positive promotion of equality and diversity reflected in its service delivery benefits wider society. We are committed to playing a positive role in combating discrimination, which is integral to the organisation’s success.

Our experienced staff understand the needs and challenges of those we serve and are committed to meeting their individual needs, working with them to maintain a safe and supportive community within which to live.

Ekaya’s Equality and Diversity Policy outlines its commitment to ensure that everything Ekaya does promotes diversity and equality of opportunity, eliminates discrimination and brings about positive changes for those experiencing disadvantages.

Ekaya will endeavour to look to encourage and maintain diversity in its service delivery by recognising the diverse needs of its customers.

Ekaya’s Equality and Diversity Policy